Rollex 800 Ø 115 x 140 mm M14
WORKABLE MATERIALS: Marble / Limestone
Achievable finishes:
Rolling grain 800
Combed grain 800
Rotation speed:
Max 2.000 RPM
Tool diameter:
ø 115x140 mm
With an automatic machine, screw Rollex /800 Ø115x140 onto the threaded shaft of Drago and, once the rotation speed has been reduced according to the maximum feed speed of the bridge saw, work it laid on the slab proceeding in both directions. Producing the combed finish, on the other hand, does not require a reduction in rotation speed. For manual workmanship, Rollex /800 Ø115x140 is screwed onto the threaded shaft of the Birba or angle grinder with variable RPM and worked laid on the slab in longitudinal passes without stopping. M14 or 5/8" attachments are available, depending on the grinder on which they are mounted.
Contact us
For any further information about Rollex 800 Ø 115 x 140 mm M14 or our tools, where to find them and our services, including support, please contact us at any time by filling in this form and sending it to us